Archive for April, 2018

Spring is here and with that there are bound to be birthdays and weddings and showers. AND…never ending gifts and wrapping paper!

If you’re not lucky enough to have a permanent “wrapping station” in your home then these tips might be just what you’re looking for to manage your gift giving season!


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Have you ever really thought about what it would be like to be alone, and have to make some pretty big life changing decisions?

We are so lucky to have the opportunity to help people when they need it most. There comes a time in everyones’ lives where our living arrangements must change. Whether it be from being single to married, or the kids have moved out and it’s time to downsize.

Any and all of these changes cause stress and anxiety. If you disagree, I’m calling your bluff. Being in the organizing business for 18 years I have organized peoples major and minor moves several times over. One thing that stands out is that in the month before the move date everyone involved starts to get a little more nervous, a little more “scattered”. How can you not?! Moving is one of the 4 top stressful things you can go through in your life. We’re not here to tell you we can make it all better, but I do have some “don’t do it!” tips!


#1 Throw stuff in a box, just to get it done. This will cause some serious grief at the other end. Purge People!!!

#2 Use Liqour Store boxes to pack your whole house. That’s just down right painful for those packing the moving van!

#3 Think that you will get it all done in a day. Rome wasn’t built in a day. No matter how many people you have helping, you are going to have to call it a day after 24 hrs.

#4 Try to do it alone. This is a big thing. We know that, you need to accept that. Now ask for help, from friends, family or professionals if need be.

There are many people out there who have no family and their social circle is not large enough or able bodied enough to help.So ask. Ask at your church, Ask your neighbours or Google! Don’t try this alone, it will cause heart ache and negativity to a move that should be as positive as possible.

I’ve never met a person yet who regrets asking the team at Just In Time Solutions to help them prior, during and after a move. Call us, we’ll help you learn from all our mistakes!

moving-hacks-color-coded-boxes-standard_fca6dbd4b052ca49abb2a0860233b20e#downsizing #seniormove #helpinghand

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Brain Dump or Mind Dumping is what the team at Just In Time Solutions calls a weekly exercise.

Over the course of a week you can easily take on millions of thoughts and tasks without really understanding what this condensed information is doing to your health and how you are functioning.

A weekly “Mind Dump” is pretty much a necessity in our lives at this point. We have families, careers, lifestyles that require us to move at a pace that sometimes feels supernatural. By stopping and allowing the information and tasks to flow out of our brains and unto paper or a digital form, we are slowly decompressing and reducing the stress associated with a lack of mindfulness.

Anxiety, depression and a feeling of being overwhelmed are all symptoms of Brain Overload!

A brain dump is simply the act of dumping all the contents of your mind onto paper as one might dump the contents of a purse onto a table. You are spilling out stressors, your nagging thoughts, your pesky annoyances. Simply open up a valve in your mind and let all those thoughts flow out of your hand and onto some paper. Write until you feel like the pressure inside of you is lessened and you can take a deep breath. Then you will have achieved a brain dump. Littlecoffeefox

You see, once you’ve written or typed that thought down it can’t get away from you. It can’t hide  in the corner of your mind, nagging at you. It’s become a “truth” for all intense and purposes. It has become real and it’s something you can tackle.

The release of a Mind Dump can literally be felt as you’re writing. You can start feeling the stress levels decrease within your brain. Now, the secret to a successful “Mind Dump” is to really sit there and let it all go. Every thought that crosses your mind, whether it’s a quick flash or a lingering moment, they all need to be written down and “dumped”.

Now you may be feeling that you have to get on top of this list of things that you’ve regurgitated. You might start feeling overwhelmed looking at this paper that has just spilled from your brain. DON”T…Wait it out.

Take 10 minutes and walk away. Trust me, ten minutes is not going to hurt you in any way.

Now, you’re back and your ready to look at this list with a purpose in mind. Prioritize the most pressing 10 things on this list. 1 though to 10. Numbered?

Ok….start with #1





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