Archive for January, 2021

To be honest I’m a type of person who likes to have a routine.   But I can sway when someone comes up with a better idea of what we should be doing?  This week’s been …..shall I say like going on a hike – you go up for a bit, then you go down for a bit,  then you go up a bit more and then you may go down another hill, or you may plateau and just walk there.   I don’t know about you, but the past year has given me; and I’m sure many of you …… a lot of opportunity to think.  It can be good and it can be bad, but what I do know when we are given the opportunity to pull out the good in the past ten months, we can grow with that.  Our business has been shut down fully for 3 months and now this past month only very essential services.  I know many of you have been shut down for more than that, or you may have been laid off from your job. So we can focus on that; ……or we can choose to change and/or ‘be’ with what surrounds us.

 Yesterday morning my daughter called, we were chatting and she was telling me about her week, …. then she asked me about mine. I said,  “Well ……..let me just put it this way, I’m starting over this morning”.  She giggles and says. .. “ that’s awesome Mom, a two day week.” I said. “ yes you are right”.   So I was ready to fire through the day and work on the routine that I had in place for the day ahead.  Before 11 a.m.,  I been up and down, emotionally,  three or four times already.  Why?….. because the stuff that was coming into me was from my close outside world, so I couldn’t just turn it off.  It was emotionally draining.  Noon came and I thought, okay I got this we are just going to start over again……… didn’t work out that way, but I did plug on and I was determined to get X number of things done that needed to get done before I left the office.  I was able to accomplish it, when  my day ended I was thankful that those things got done.  Ross came home, he asked about my day ….. that was a loaded question.  So, long story short I ended my day with happiness. I had yoga that night .  I go into my spare room that I have set up for my yoga, turn on my blanket, light the candles, open up the laptop for Zoom, the next hour unfolded and I was thankful that I had done my yoga, and I was thankful that Ross encouraged me to do it.  We can all live in a state of frustration, anger, or paralyzation, ….. all of those would be very simple to do right now.

BUT INSTEAD ………I would like to offer to you something different.

These past months have given me an opportunity to grow a part of my business that I have been aiming to do.  So here it is  February 1st — I now  have a membership available to people to sign into and they will enjoy the benefits of my blog, my tips, my courses etc., and much more to come that I’ve been learning over the past 19 years.

Please join our New Service for you- click on FOLLOW! And Join us on Facebook and Instagram .  Just sign in and click the links below. 

Start Bringing your Chaos to your Calm!

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Our country, well let’s be honest the entire world grinded to a halt last spring. We struggled in our jobs, businesses and within our homes. We struggled to get through every day issues, but then it dawned on us. Life was still moving forward and by moving I mean “MOVING”.

Houses were still being put on the market, sold and people were still moving. There was no stopping that domino effect. Not even a virus could stop that momentum.

And then there were calls from friends looking for help with their parents. They were not allowed to see them, let alone move them into a care facility. Again, life doesn’t stop for a virus attacking the world. Your parents and loved ones still need care, and being in lockdown unable to help caused an incredible amount of anxiety for our clients and their parents.

These are only two situations where COVID didn’t care. It was a truly huge relief when the team from Just In Time Solutions were given the “all clear” to help these people. We couldn’t help but worry about their welfare and state of mind before, during and after a move.

You see moving in the best of times, you all know is known as one of the top 5 most stressful things anyone can do. Add COVID and now you’re doing it alone, without help? No, that’s not the way it has to be. Our team has been allowed to help before, during and after a move. Whether its a downsize, a senior’s move or you and your family are upgrading – we are allowed and are HERE to help.

You Do Not Have To Do This Alone.

You can stand in your kitchen and living room and slowly turn around, and that’s where the overwhelming sense of anxiety starts. You start to look at your surroundings, about everything that has to be done before you list and then again before you move. The housing market is at an all time high. It’s so hard to understand and getting caught up in the momentum is completely natural. When the dust settles and you realize that your friends and family are unable to help due to COVID restrictions, that’s when it dawns on most people – “I’m not going to be able to do this alone”. Two pieces of advice we want to you know:

1 – This is just one day, one week out of an entire lifetime and you are going to make it. There’s no doubt in our minds, you’ll get there. Take one thing at a time. Complete one task at a time. Eventually you’ll see through this situation and you’ll be ok.

2 – Instead of struggling, instead of just being “ok” ….call us for help. There is absolutely no reason for you to struggle with any of this.

If your family is in a situation where your parents need to be moved whether it’s leaving hospital, their home of 40 years or into assisted living. THIS. This is what we do. We walk in and we look after the stuff, so that you can look after them. One client said to us ” you’re the best accident I ever had”.

We can’t stand to see people struggle, it’s just not something we can sit back and watch. So please reach out, don’t get yourself into a position that is going to break you or your family.

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